Friday, 1 November 2024

Some Useful Use Cases Of React JS useEffect hook

 The useEffect hook is a powerful feature in React that allows you to perform side effects in functional components. Here are some common use cases for useEffect:

1. Data Fetching

Fetching data from an API when the component mounts is a typical use case.


import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

const DataFetchingComponent = () => {

    const [data, setData] = useState([]);

    const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);

    useEffect(() => {

        const fetchData = async () => {

            const response = await fetch('');

            const result = await response.json();





    }, []); // Empty dependency array means it runs once on mount

     if (loading) return <div>Loading...</div>;

     return (


            { => (

                <li key={}>{}</li>





2. Event Listeners

Setting up and cleaning up event listeners for actions like scrolling or resizing.


import React, { useEffect } from 'react';

const WindowResizeListener = () => {

    const handleResize = () => {

        console.log('Window resized!', window.innerWidth);


    useEffect(() => {

        window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize);


        return () => {

            window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize);


    }, []); // Run once on mount

    return <div>Resize the window and check the console.</div>;


3. Timer Functions

Managing timers or intervals, such as updating a clock.


import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

const TimerComponent = () => {

    const [time, setTime] = useState(new Date());

     useEffect(() => {

        const timerId = setInterval(() => {

            setTime(new Date());

        }, 1000);

         return () => clearInterval(timerId); // Cleanup on unmount

    }, []);

     return <div>{time.toLocaleTimeString()}</div>;


4. Form Handling

Validating form inputs or performing actions based on input changes.


import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

const FormComponent = () => {

    const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState('');

    const [isValid, setIsValid] = useState(false);


    useEffect(() => {

        // Simple validation: check if the input is not empty

        setIsValid(inputValue.trim() !== '');

    }, [inputValue]); // Runs every time inputValue changes


    return (





                onChange={e => setInputValue(}


            <p>{isValid ? 'Valid input' : 'Input is required'}</p>




5. Fetching Data on Dependency Change

Fetching new data when certain dependencies change, such as a selected user or a filter.


import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

const UserComponent = ({ userId }) => {

    const [user, setUser] = useState(null);


    useEffect(() => {

        const fetchUser = async () => {

            const response = await fetch(`${userId}`);

            const result = await response.json();





    }, [userId]); // Runs when userId changes


    if (!user) return <div>Loading user...</div>;


    return <div>{}</div>;



These examples illustrate how useEffect can be effectively used to handle side effects in functional components, including data fetching, event handling, and managing state based on component lifecycle events.


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